01 February, 2022


01 February, 2022

To put ourselves in context, let’s start by understanding how electricity is distributed in our country.

The process begins in a generating plant, the energy that is produced here is transported through high voltage transmission lines, and later the energy arrives at a substation where the voltage is lowered to be distributed in medium voltage, once it has the right voltage for the medium voltage, it begins to be derived to the distribution lines and then transformed into a voltage suitable for consumption.

After the long journey that electrical energy makes, we arrive at the distribution lines, and this is where we ask ourselves the central questions, which one to choose? What are the characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of each?

To answer these questions it is necessary to ask ourselves what the needs of my project are, what are my resources and what is the physical environment and the climate that surrounds us.


As its name indicates, they are those that we find outdoors suspended in the air. Just as they have advantages, they also have some disadvantages, which we will list below. The main advantages that airlines have are:

• Generally its installation is simpler.

• Lower installation and material costs.

• They allow energy to be distributed over long distances.

• Carrying out maintenance is easier and faster, being outside, access to them is more practical.

• Faults can be located quickly and with the naked eye.

Some disadvantages are:

• Although their maintenance is simpler, they require it more frequently.

• May cause a more aesthetic appearance.

• Being exposed, damage caused by weather, wind, blows to the lines, accidents on poles or retentions, etc. are more common.


These distribution lines are located underground, and they also have a number of factors for and some against. Among the factors in favor we find:

• They are excellent allies of the landscape, being underground they do not interfere with the view of the environment where they are located.

• Being protected underground, it is more difficult for them to be affected by inclement weather.

• Their maintenance is minimal for the same reason as the previous point, they are protected from the outside environment.

• They present excellent performance.

• In general, they have greater durability since they are protected all the time.

Some factors against are:

• Its installation is not so economical since it entails certain adaptations that imply breaking the ground to generate its passage, building the registers, etc.

• Great care must be taken with accessories to avoid wiring problems.

• Sometimes access to them can be complicated.

• It is more complex to detect failure points because they are underground, they require more time to be repaired.

• They become targets of vandalism due to their easy reach.

Both installations can be applied to residential, commercial and industrial projects, everything depends on the particular needs of each one.

Focusing on the industry, it is important to mention that for new installations and requesting energy supply, it is necessary to initiate a process through a feasibility letter and an electrical project before the CFE and the Energy Regulatory Commission (if necessary).

It is extremely important that the electrical projects and necessary load calculations are carried out by professionals, since it is the factor that dictates the request to CFE in which the correct functioning of the internal electrical installations falls and therefore the proper functioning and care of the same devices and machinery that will be used for production, without neglecting the issue of safety that goes hand in hand with the above.

If you are in charge of the development of a new project, be it industrial, real estate development, etc., and you require advice on the electrical issue, come to us, our team of professionals can advise you from procedures, planning, execution and maintenance of lines of distribution and electrical installations in general.

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