Our Grid Code compliance service ensures that your electrical installation operates under the standards established by the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE), guaranteeing a safe and efficient supply. We focus on the following aspects:
Power Quality:
We evaluate and guarantee the quality of the electrical supply, ensuring optimal voltage and frequency parameters for efficient operation of your equipment.
Capacitor Banks:
We implement capacitor banks to improve the power factor, reducing energy losses and optimizing the performance of your installation.
Network Stability:
We maintain the stability of the electrical grid, minimizing variations that may affect the performance of your systems and ensuring a continuous and reliable supply.
Response to Disturbances:
We design solutions that allow your electrical system to respond appropriately to disturbances, ensuring service continuity and equipment protection.
Protective Equipment:
We install appropriate protection equipment to prevent failures, guaranteeing the safety of your installation and protecting your electrical assets.
Network Maintenance:
We offer regular maintenance of the electrical network to ensure its correct operation and regulatory compliance, avoiding sanctions and improving operational efficiency.
With our service, you not only comply with the Grid Code, but you also optimize the performance of your electrical installation and guarantee a reliable energy supply.